Does Cupping Help with Weight Loss? – All About Cupping for Weight Loss

Does Cupping Help with Weight Loss

It takes a lot of effort and time to exercise for weight loss. Anyone with obesity or unnecessary fat might easily give up. Many may have tried crash diets and multiple exercises. But only a few become successful. It is mostly true for old people, as they have relatively a slow metabolism.

Here’s the part where cupping comes. A lot of people know about cupping, and may already have taken some cupping therapies. However, they’re not sure if it helps with weight loss. They especially ask- does cupping help with weight loss for all age groups.

Hence, we have decided to focus on this topic to help you answer all your questions about cupping for weight loss. It will also help you understand how it works and the proper methods to do it. Keep reading if you want to lose weight quickly.

Does cupping therapy make you lose weight? How does it work?

Yes. Cupping therapy makes you lose weight if it is done properly. Cupping on parts of the body intervenes with its blood flow of it. Eventually, it helps remove stubborn fat in those areas.

Here, the workings of cupping stimulate blood flow on the acupoints. It influences the areas to energize and improve the circulatory system. It runs along the lymphatic vessels in your body, which in return eliminates unnecessary body fat.

Cupping is so powerful that it also extracts the internal fat around your organs. It is because it removes stagnation from your blood through the lymphatic system. There’s more fresh blood in your cells after cupping; it removes any fat cells in the blood that are unhealthy for you.

You may wonder, does cupping increase your metabolism? Yes, this is why it aids weight loss. It accelerates metabolism by opening up your capillaries and loosening your tissues. In return, there’s oxygenated blood instead of waste and fat in your cells.

Amazing Benefits of Cupping for Weight Loss!

As you may already know, cupping is highly beneficial for those who want to lose weight. It is for everyone unless you have edema or skin ulcers. Thus, I have listed some distinct benefits that you can gain by cupping:

  1. Weight Loss

Cupping around your abdomen can reduce a lot of stagnant blood and fat. If you are dependent on fast food, like most people, there is a lot of stagnant blood within your body. Removing all of it will result in weight loss.

  1. Eliminates Stubborn Fat

Everyone has fat deposits under his arms, waist, and thighs. Such fats are hidden deep inside your bodily tissues. Cupping can easily reach the visceral fat in these deep areas. It can transfer such into liquid, which is later extracted through the lymphatic vessels.

  1. Body Toning

Other than just the elimination of stubborn fat, you can also tone your body by cupping. It develops a muscular physique. If we break it down, there will be more lean fat in your body. That will give you visible muscle structure.

Although it will define your structure, it will not help with enlarging muscle size. It will only tone your body and keep you in good shape.

  1. Improves Digestion

As I have already mentioned, cupping improves metabolism. It eventually improves digestive functions. People after cupping will have a balanced appetite. There are faster bowel movements and hence improved digestion.

On the other hand, you will notice reduced heartburn. You might suffer less from stomach acid issues. Overall, there’s a relief from physical and emotional tension.

Is cupping necessary even after dieting and exercising for weight loss?

Especially for people above their mid-twenties, it is necessary to cup after proper exercises and diets. It is because the intensity of diets and workouts declines at that stage. People start finding weight loss more difficult than it was before.

The decline in the effectiveness of exercises is mostly due to slowed metabolism during the age of twenty-five to the early thirties. There are less muscle and brown fat to burn fat which increases weight. And metabolism slows down further as one losses weight. So, they burn fewer calories.

Moreover, exercises do not reduce surface fat, it only reduces visceral fat. Cupping helps you lose surface fat, which can make weight loss visible. It also doesn’t reduce fat in the thighs, arms, or back as most exercises focus on the abdomen.

With cupping, you get to choose how and where your body loses weight. Some people may prefer losing only inner thigh fat. Here, they can only cup on their thighs for greater results. Thus, it is better to pair the two if you want to lose weight.

Where to place cupping for weight loss?

For weight loss, therapists place the vacuum cups on the acupuncture points that are linked by meridians. The most popular acupoint for weight loss is the center of the abdomens.

Usually, therapists start from the bikini area. Gradually they head toward the lower abdomen. Here, there’s a lot of belly fat, which has a significant weight. It will also extract the waste inside your intestines to eliminate some of your weight.

Similarly, cupping both hips will make you lose some extra weight. Gently move in circular motions from your right hip and across your left. Focus on the belly button as well. Repeat this at least three times.

Does cupping reduce face fat and cellulite?

Cupping does not focus on reducing face fat, but it reduces the puffiness on the face. However, it may indirectly reduce some of the face fat by introducing fresh blood. On the other hand, it smooths the appearance of cellulite.

Firstly, you need to visualize cellulite. It forms when the lumps of fat under your skin harden over time. It already sounds unhealthy, right? Such fat may keep increasing. And as a result, you will have a dimpled skin surface. Cupping can smoothen the surface instead of eliminating it.

About face fat, it is especially used as an anti-aging treatment or for unblocking sinuses. If you have a lot of wrinkles and fine lines on your face, cupping can effectively help smoothen it. Many celebrities like Kim Kardashian and Khloé Kardashian use face cupping on themselves.

What does cupping on the belly do?

Cupping on the belly or abdomen regulates the inside of the intestines or digestive system. Eventually, it accelerates the movement of food within the body. It may significantly aid in weight loss if one performs it regularly.

If you are suffering from constipation, and you dislike eating fiber or whole grains, you should try cupping your belly. So, does cupping help with weight loss? Yes, especially when you perform on the belly. I know most people cup on their backs but this is no exception.

When people suffer from constipation, they suffer from a weak parasympathetic nervous system. It is necessary to relieve the system by flushing blood into the digestive system. Cupping the belly relieves it by increasing body fluid in those areas.

Lastly, it clears colon blockages and relieves indigestion. As 15% to 29% of the population suffers from bowel obstruction, cupping the belly proves to be essential.

What do dark cupping marks mean? Is it safe?

The dark cupping marks mean that much of the stagnant blood has been extracted during cupping. Other than the stagnant blood, the dark marks represent the toxins and lymph of the body.

The dark circular bruises are not really bruises, so it is safe. The color is due to broken blood vessels. However, you should appoint a professional cupping therapist. Now, you may also train yourself or appoint professionals from D2D Therapies to ensure safety during the therapies.

Many images of dark marks on the internet may look scary. But worry not, it is mostly painless. Furthermore, after three to five sessions there will be lighter marks after cupping.


Does cupping therapy help with weight loss? Now you know all about it. It’s quite simple if you take appointments in professional cupping clinics. However, this traditional Chinese treatment should be paired with sensible eating habits if you want to lose weight in a few months.

Hope you have found all the information you needed. Thank you for reading till the end. Wishing you a healthy lifestyle!


  • What should you not do after cupping?

After cupping for weight loss, you should avoid hot showers, alcohol, caffeine, sugary drinks, exercise, and air conditioning. However, you may exercise lightly for a further cut in fat, but intense exercise may be harmful after cupping.

  • How long does it take to see results from cupping?

After eight to ten cupping sessions, you should notice a cut in your weight. However, it depends on the person’s lifestyle. Individuals gain and loss weight differently. For instance, people eating more junk will take longer to see the results from cupping.

  • What do the colors mean in cupping?

Red color on the skin after cupping results from the extraction of blood. Darker red indicates a lot of toxins passing through the skin. Blue cupping marks indicate extreme dampness. And purple marks are a sign of heat and toxins in the body.

  • What to expect after cupping?

After cupping you should expect round dark red, blue, or purple marks on the area. You may feel discomfort after you finish a session

  • How long should you cup for?

You should cup for around ten to twenty-five minutes. It depends on your skin type; for instance, young people can cup longer than twenty minutes. However, cupping for longer than half an hour may result in burns and discoloration of the skin.

  • How do you know if cupping works?

The marks on your skin will indicate if the cupping sessions are helping and working. You should notice dark red, blue, or purple patches if it is working. Here, if there are no marks, you should appoint professionals who can extract the extra fat from your body.

  • Do you massage before or after cupping?

Before cupping, Hijama cupping therapists should apply massage oil to the body. Cupping for weight loss requires vacuuming, which leaves dark red marks on the skin. Massaging before cupping can result in lighter marks.

  • Why shouldn’t you shower after cupping?

You shouldn’t shower after cupping as your skin becomes vulnerable after it. The pores on your skin, especially the ones on your face, enlarge. Thus, if you want to effectively reduce face or arm fat, do not shower after cupping.

  • How often can you cup your back?

To have effective weight loss results, you should cup your back three to four times a week. The sessions can be as short as ten minutes, but you should be consistent during the sessions.

  • What kind of cupping is effective for losing weight?

Dry cupping is more effective for losing weight as it can focus on extracting stubborn fat from arms, thighs, and belly. However, applying massage oil during the process is mandatory.

  • Where do the toxins go after cupping?

As muscles and soft tissues are pulled up during cupping, it opens up pores that extract the toxins away from the skin. Here, cupping flushes away stagnant toxins. Thus, you may notice some blood on your skin, especially during wet cupping.

  • Should you immediately work out after cupping for more effective weight loss?

No. Working out, especially intense workouts, may be harmful to one’s body. You may work out before cupping for losing weight effectively. Although stretching or light exercises may help you relax after cupping, they won’t help in weight loss.

  • What happens if you don’t bruise after cupping?

When people don’t bruise on the cupping areas after cupping, it brings little to no effect on their weight. It indicates that no stagnant blood has been pulled through. Now, it may also mean that there’s less blood flow in that area.

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