Hijama Cupping Therapy London Hijama Clinic

Hijama Cupping Therapy London

Hijama is a type of therapy that uses cups to remove blockages in your blood flow. Practitioners believe most illnesses are caused by an imbalance or blockage of the blood flow. Getting rid of this blockage can cure the illness.

Hijama is a widely practiced therapy around the world, especially in the Middle East and South Asia. It has been used for centuries as a treatment for many illnesses, including headaches and menstrual cramps. In fact, hijama has been known to treat both Ayurvedic and Unani treatments for over 2,000 years!

Hijama is based on the idea of balancing blood flow through your body by creating suction with cups on your skin that draw blood from different parts of your body into one area (for example: from your head down to where it meets with your chest). This process helps improve circulation and can relieve pain caused by tight muscles or poor digestion.

It is based on the idea of balancing blood flow.

Hijama is a therapy that uses heat and massage to balance the blood flow. It is based on the idea of balancing blood flow.

This means that if there are blockages in our body, they can cause pain or other symptoms such as fatigue and poor circulation. The heat helps unblock these blockages by stimulating your skin’s immune system to fight off any pathogens that may be present in your system.

Hijama involves using cups to create suction on a patient’s skin.

Hijama involves using cups to create suction on a patient’s skin. The suction is used to remove blockages that may be causing pain or illness. It can be used for treating many ailments, including headaches, earaches and back pain.

The cups are placed on the skin and then released in order to create pressure that draws blood from deep veins into capillaries in your tissues.

Practitioners believe most illnesses are caused by an imbalance or blockage of the blood flow.

Hijama cupping therapy is a much-loved method of treatment in India. It’s used to treat many health issues, including respiratory problems, digestive disorders and skin conditions.

Hijama cupping therapy is based on the idea that most illnesses are caused by an imbalance or blockage of the blood flow. The practitioner uses glass cups filled with heated air to create suction as they draw up blood from one part of your body and pull it away from another area where it’s needed—often with great success!

Getting rid of this blockage can cure the illness.

Hijama is a therapy that uses cups to remove blockages in your blood flow. It is based on the idea of balancing the blood flow, which helps to cure many diseases, including diabetes, hypertension, and gout.

Hijama involves using cups to create suction on a patient’s skin by applying pressure for 2-3 minutes (or more). A small hole will be created in the cup when you release its suction after 2-3 minutes has passed. The hole allows air to enter into this area where there was no oxygen before because it was blocked by some kind of blockage or build-up inside your body – this could be from infections or other things like plaque build up on teeth causing pain when chewing food properly, etc…

Hijama is a type of therapy that uses cups to remove blockages in your blood flow. The theory behind it is that if you can create suction on the skin, then it will pull out any blockages and allow your body to heal itself. This can be used for a wide range of diseases including arthritis and pain relief, but its main focus has been on treating headache and migraines through cupping therapy.


Hijama is a type of therapy that uses cups to remove blockages in your blood flow. It’s based on the idea that most illnesses are caused by an imbalance or blockage in your blood flow, which can be cured by removing this blockage.

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